Sample Fixed Term Employment Contract Malaysia

17 2 notwithstanding the provisions above the contract may be terminated during the first month of employment set out in paragraph 3 2 hereof.
Sample fixed term employment contract malaysia. They believe that it would make it easier to terminate problematic employees since they can opt not to renew the contract when the contract ends. In malaysia the law does recognize that employers do have the right to hire the employees the select on a fixed term contract basis provided that there is a genuine need to do so. What many employers do not realise is that t. Before completing the contract period for whatsoever reason.
Language of this contract of employment this contract of employment shall be prepared in four 4 original texts two 2 each in english and language of the country of origin of the worker all texts being equally authentic. Other terms and conditions favourable to the employer and employee not covered herein and which are provided by the laws of malaysia shall apply and shall be the part of the contract. Some employers in malaysia hold the belief that putting employees on a fixed term contract is advantageous. They also include those to which the parties by free choice have assigned a specific date of termination.
Termination of contract 17 1 this contract shall automatically terminate upon the expiry of the term of service stipulated in clause 3 1 above without either party s having to notify the other party. Fixed term employment contracts are not limited as they are under the present labor code to those by nature seasonal or for specific projects with predetermined dates of completion. One very important condition which a fixed term contract needs to abide by is that it has to be a genuine contract. The employer and the employee shall read and fully understand this agreement and.
Full time part time fixed term and independent contractors. Visit here to find out how. Pereira we are writing this letter to inform you that due to your exemplary work during the previous term of employment with us for 12 months we are extending your employment contract. The fixed term employee consequently agrees that during the period of employment and subsequent thereto the fixed term employee will not disclose to others or make use of directly or indirectly any confidential information of the company or confidential information of a client of the company or of others who have disclosed it to the company underconditions of confidentiality unless for a.
Fixed term contract the law in malaysia. A fixed term employment is valid only under certain circumstances.